With our predecessor as a company providing outsourcing services related to information technology
and translation field, we’ve expanded to other business performance areas. And we’re still going.

At this moment, we are
preparing to be the first Continuous
Organization in Asia with 200 Offies.
Stay tuned!

We decided to refresh our
Corporate Website with
a brand new interface.

We released the Vietnamese version of
“Reinventing Organizations” book written
by Frederic Laloux with the ambition of
inspiring and promoting meaningful values
of the Teal organization model to others.

As Officience grew bigger, we established a
new home which is a co-working space on
Le Hong Phong street called Offyplex to
share with many like-minded start-ups
and organizations.

Another representative
office was born
in the US.

We launched our
representative office
in Japan.

Offy Handbook is issued! This is
a practical guideline you need to
understand before connecting
with Officience.

In December, we decided to let go the
pyramidal organization and started to
implement the Teal principles.

In March 2012, we decided to let go of the Sales
and Marketing team, then switched to Social
networking. After that, we launched our
Officaire co-working office in Paris in July.

Officience has continued
to grow gradually.

We launched our
representative office
in Singapore.

Our first Sales and Marketing team
was established with 6 people.

Our staff members increased to a
total of 150 members working in the
Information Technology field.

A year later, we scaled up to a hundred
employees; therefore, we decided to settle in
a new mansion located on Nguyen Dinh Chinh
street – our adorable home!

Officience was founded in February 2006.
Our first address was on Truong Quyen
street. Beside our 2 founders, there were
only 3 staff members at the time.

Inspired by the Teal organisation, Officience has transformed through time as you have seen in our timeline to become a people-centric working environment nowadays.
Because we understand that no matter what your personal objectives are, we’re all looking forward to making this world a better place, and we want to build the best environment we could to support each other on this journey together. Therefore, Offyplex was born to provide the best commodities, connecting people in an open co-working space and giving them their private spaces to help them achieve the best state of mind to reach the most efficiency that they could.
You will be in the driver’s seat and there aren't many limits on this path. But go along with this freedom, you still have responsibilities, not only to yourself but also to your teammates, colleagues, our society and our world. That’s why we have our 5 causes to guide you, help you know what is beneficial and interesting to contribute.
In a nutshell, Officience is a wonderful and growing environment where everyone could accompany each other and still thrive on their own path to become a better version of themselves, resulting in a better Officience and a better world.
To get closer to our office life:
Officience - What makes you run?
Offy life time
- 9h
- 11h
- 1PM
- 4PM