As an opening organization, we are built by individuals connected
to each other specifically by our causes and values.
We want to develop human-centric relations with our customers
to heighten collaborations built on mutual trust.
Our people can shine in their own colours, and together,
we create a colour palette called Officience.
Let’s meet them!

Who is he?
An optimistic man with a tender heart. Mr. Duc has been spending his amount of time at Officaire - our French office in the heart of Paris startup ecosystem, to promoting and inspiring to others about our Teal model, our five Causes, or the five flows decision-making framework. If you can read French, you should follow him on Medium (medium.com/@duchaduong) and clap his articles. He will be very grateful.

Who is he?
A man of action with huge interest and passion in numbers and data. He takes care of everything in Officience from the people to the work thoughtfully. He is devoted to listening and sharing wonderful ideas and forthcoming objectives. When putting work aside, he is a man of family, likes to play tennis, and enjoy outdoor activities with his children.

Who is she?
Cash flows of a company is like the blood veins in our body and the heart which being the center of it plays the most crucial part controlling it. And in Officience, Ms. Duyen is at the heart of it both figuratively and literally because she always set up great caution and precision not only when it comes to financial matters such as numbers and figures but also in feelings of our tribe’s members when they ask for her advises due to her mature nature.

Who is she?
Started in the Compensation and Benefit field of the company, she has extended herself and touches the hearts of many people around. She does not only take good care of wages and welfare as an HR worker but also her juniors and colleagues like her own family. She is recognized as one of the pioneers in planting and growing trees in order to bring a healthier and fresher working environment to Officience.

Who is she?
Loves to refer to herself as the C.E.O of happiness, she shares the same visions with Mr. Duc and Mr. Phong as she spends her time and energy trying to make Officience better everyday. She is also a warm and dreamy person with a heart full of love for the planet and a belief in humanity, dedicating herself to protecting mother Earth.

Who is she?
She is an engager who possesses ten years of experience in Business Process Outsourcing, telecom and customer service, and four years in organizational transformation. A project manager with working experiences supporting international technology companies. A consulting expertise in Security, GDPR, process optimization and automation, database management and Business Intelligence solution.

Who is she?
She’s who once a Tester, now an IT Engager who experiences in various roles and projects which she prefers to describe them shortly as these hashtags: #QC, #BA, #PM, #Process, #ERP, #NewTechno, #eCommerce. Like her favourite colour: Green, Lan is full of youthful energy and very friendly. Her favourite quote is "Good, Fast, Cheap: You can only pick two!".

Who is he?
A man who always has a big smile on his face. As a technical leader, his passion is researching new technologies, sharing with his juniors and then applying them to many projects at Officience. Binh likes to describe himself in FACD: Friendly - Active - Creative - Dynamic., Beside that, he occasionally tries to do something different and non-technical, such as being the event organizer for our company trip.

Who is she?
Our senior Business Intelligence developer cum experienced consultant. A data lover with many years of experience in data analysis. She likes to express herself through her work and succeeded in leading the team to build a trusted relationship with our clients. Additionally, she is also a dashboard expert who can help make sense of your data.

Who is she?
Thanks to the welcoming atmosphere of this unique community - Officience, Ms. Quyen has been a part of the energetic Tribe for 5 years and still counting. Along the journey, Ms. Quyen shares her interest in negotiating, discussing to sketch out the best outcome and advice for others. She believes that the significant encouragement to be yourself and continuously growing for a better you are the keys to be one of the trustworthy partners and achieve the expectation of clients.

Who is she?
Ms. Thu has joined Officience since the very beginning and experienced through the growing process of this amazing Tribe. She is recognized as an honest and friendly person who takes a lot of interest in data analyzing, machine learning, and business process automation. She's the woman who takes pride and belief in her words “Nothing is impossible, I believe that sharing knowledge is forever” and in being a part of this special open-organization.

Who is she?
"Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair” this motto has fully described our honest and friendly women. With 6 years being a part of this Officience family, Ms. Duong is passionate about bringing opportunities to the candidates and recruiting talents for Officience. She can be known as the strongest bridge between our company and freshers who desire to work and learn in this open-minded environment.